Saint Bernard

Temperament: A giant, powerful dog who is also especially patient and gentle with people

Height: Males: 28-30 inches, Females: 26-28 inches

Weight: Males: 140-180 lbs, Females: 120-140 lbs

Life Span: 8-10 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.41

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.42

OI Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: -0.01

AGR Average for dogs over 10: -0.01

AGR Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.01

IR Average for dogs over 10: 0.01

IR Average for dogs under 2:
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Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Reyer-Friends Xena F0.430.000.07
2 Always Friends Ukkie-Dino M0.58-0.06-0.02
3 Twix od Mikija F0.33-0.010.20
4 River Dance v.h. Borgerbos F0.39-0.020.10
5 Ringo Star v.h. Borgerbos M0.52-0.040.07
6 Rin-Tin-Tin v.h. Borgerbos M0.480.000.03
7 Nosirrag's Cadillac Ranch F0.380.020.08
8 Nosirrag's WigWam Route 66 F0.370.050.01
9 Rising Sun v.h. Borgerbos F0.41-0.040.22
10 Rising Star v.h. Borgerbos F0.420.030.00

Developed in the late 17th Century in the Alps, these dogs were bred for search and rescue in treacherous terrain. Their strength and loving temperament are both part of their original function.

Joint and hip issues, osteosarcoma, epilepsy, heart disease.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I10116.18%
Class I101711.24%
Class I10401.12%
Class I10626.18%
Class I106816.85%
Class I109639.89%
Class I11280.56%
Class I11410.56%
Class I11608.99%
Class I11656.18%
Class I12070.56%
Class I12210.56%
Class I12400.56%
Class I12440.56%
Class II20011.69%
Class II20056.74%
Class II20070.56%
Class II201411.24%
Class II20216.18%
Class II202339.89%
Class II20281.12%
Class II20350.56%
Class II205314.61%
Class II20806.74%
Class II20989.55%
Class II21241.12%
Class I10116.18%
Class I101711.24%
Class I10401.12%
Class I10626.18%
Class I106816.85%
Class I109639.89%
Class I11280.56%
Class I11410.56%
Class I11608.99%
Class I11656.18%
Class I12070.56%
Class I12210.56%
Class I12400.56%
Class I12440.56%
Class II20011.69%
Class II20056.74%
Class II20070.56%
Class II201411.24%
Class II20216.18%
Class II202339.89%
Class II20281.12%
Class II20350.56%
Class II205314.61%
Class II20806.74%
Class II20989.55%
Class II21241.12%

Search For a Saint Bernard

Please enter a name or partial name of a public dog.

> Registered Name:

List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1Al Dino od MikijaM0.460.01-0.10
2Alphofs LudvigM0.40-0.060.08
3Always Friends Pebbles-JuwelF0.410.03-0.04
4Always Friends Ukkie-DinoM0.58-0.06-0.02
5Amy- Adele od MikijaF0.31-0.010.15
8Cosmo v. Kopershof HeibloemM0.73-0.16-0.03
9Daisy Od MikijaF0.370.05-0.08
10Danny Androb KennelM0.38-0.01-0.05
11DesertWind's Betcha X LukeF0.46-0.040.11
12Diva Fan Darya's hutteF0.370.01-0.01
13Double Helix @ Solid GoldF0.420.00-0.13
14Freya de L'Orée des MontagnesF0.68-0.12-0.11
15Gruyere's BeemoF0.320.02-0.02
16Gruyere's FinnM0.35-0.01-0.01
17Gruyere's GretelF0.46-0.01-0.15
18Hero of the Mountains BertaF0.370.00-0.03
19Homey v.d. WaterschansM0.39-0.030.09
20Jackson v.d. Frafroe BuddiesM0.43-0.05-0.04
21Jessy Au Moulin de TallansF0.63-0.11-0.13
22Kings Row Moneypenny F0.48-0.070.15
23Kitty v.d. Frafroe BuddiesF0.330.05-0.10
24L'Olivia Des Princes De SavoieF0.54-0.120.04
25Lady Abeille F0.38-0.01-0.10
26Lanebern Mr. IndependantM0.49-0.040.08
27Lasquite's Chikira DesertWindF0.45-0.050.02
28Libby Des Legendes De BretagneF0.50-0.06-0.10
29Macy v.h. BorgerbosF0.380.01-0.01
30Magic Mountain's Chase of NosirragM0.350.08-0.04
31Magic Mountain's Striecher For NosirragM0.370.05-0.03
32Mio Amore DJ van SinBer-HeimF0.35-0.040.13
33Missing Link v.h. DemsterwoldM0.410.03-0.15
34Montmart's Zenon V LudvigM0.370.07-0.09
35Mt. Harmony's Frosty of Swisstar v. ElbaM0.36-0.020.17
36Nelson Merijntje JuBoBelCo's HoeveM0.360.000.05
37Never Last Transylvania GiantM0.370.010.19
38Nikan v.h. BorgerbosM0.300.09-0.15
39Nosirrag's And Magic Mountain's BethF0.250.050.22
40Nosirrag's Cadillac RanchF0.380.020.08
41Nosirrag's Calling Doctor MeesterM0.290.07-0.06
42Nosirrag's GracieF0.320.050.05
43Nosirrag's HollyF0.250.14-0.04
44Nosirrag's What Dreams May ComeM0.350.030.11
45Nosirrag's WigWam Route 66F0.370.050.01
46Nova's Star v.h. BorgerbosF0.420.03-0.10
47Off Limits v.h. DemsterwoldF0.270.060.12
48Once Upon A Time v.h. BorgerbosF0.39-0.03-0.06
49Orpheus du Grand Blettay M0.310.04-0.06
50Parker v.h. BorgerbosM0.39-0.010.11
51Pearl du Val du MorakopfF0.42-0.04-0.01
52Quality Time v.h. DemsterwoldF0.44-0.010.03
53Queenie v.h. BorgerbosF0.400.04-0.03
54Quinevere van 't Hof ten EynderF0.49-0.090.16
55Ramyra von der BorisevF0.38-0.050.13
56Reyer friends LenaF0.410.04-0.14
57Reyer-Friends MaestroM0.380.040.01
58Reyer-Friends OnanaM0.36-0.010.10
59Reyer-Friends Pallas AthenaF0.370.03-0.04
60Reyer-Friends RifkaF0.47-0.02-0.11
61Reyer-Friends SterreF0.43-0.050.10
62Reyer-Friends SunshineF0.52-0.070.11
63Reyer-Friends TheraF0.45-0.030.02
64Reyer-Friends UsainM0.330.040.00
65Reyer-Friends XenaF0.430.000.07
66Rin-Tin-Tin v.h. BorgerbosM0.480.000.03
67Ringo Star v.h. BorgerbosM0.52-0.040.07
68Rising Star v.h. BorgerbosF0.420.030.00
69Rising Sun v.h. BorgerbosF0.41-0.040.22
70River Dance v.h. BorgerbosF0.39-0.020.10
71Romy van de BurggravehoeveF0.42-0.070.05
72Rubis Rios SaintsF0.400.000.02
73Sa Majesté's Baron dit Tucson de Montmart'sM0.39-0.02-0.03
74Sa Majesté's Elsa dit Daisy de MontmartF0.51-0.11-0.01
75Sa Majesté's Jasmine dit Isa de MontmartF0.40-0.02-0.10
76Sa Majesté's Romeo dit KOKO de Montmart'sM0.34-0.010.05
77Sa Majesté's Sophia dit Blanche de MontmartF0.290.000.15
78Sa Majesté's Watson dit Phil de MontmartM0.36-0.040.06
79Saintdiamond GodfatherM0.53-0.120.00
80Saintdiamond In Your DreamsM0.43-0.010.03
81Saintdiamond Jump Of JoyF0.38-0.02-0.02
82Sierras Kodachrome M0.56-0.06-0.01
83Sierras Lotus V DeloreanF0.42-0.060.09
84Swisstar's Wendy DarlingF0.39-0.020.08
85Toffe Loffe's Glory of VaianaF0.58-0.04-0.15
86Twix od MikijaF0.33-0.010.20
87U R My Faith Wielkopski BernardynF0.410.05-0.06
88Yummy-Gumgum UR Reyer-FriendsM0.380.02-0.02
89Zucker Zoran od Strazcu HorM0.50-0.01-0.13

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Breeder list coming soon.