Labrador Retriever

Temperament: Friendly, outgoing, patient. Ideal working or therapy dog.

Height: 21.5 t0 24.5 inches

Weight: 55 - 80 lbs

Life Span: 10-12 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.35

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.38

OI Average for dogs under 2: 0.30

Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: -0.03

AGR Average for dogs over 10: -0.07

AGR Average for dogs under 2: 0.08

Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.07

IR Average for dogs over 10: 0.07

IR Average for dogs under 2: 0.04

Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Canoecove Fly The Sky M0.340.07-0.04
2 Canoecove A Love Supreme F0.340.080.02
3 Broadmead Shorewood Silva F0.240.110.10
4 Canoecove Sweet And Hot F0.310.090.01
5 Canoecove Into The Blue Ocean M0.280.12-0.03
6 Veli vir Einar Codo M0.55-0.190.31
7 Canoecove Into The Blue M0.340.070.02
8 Broadmead Curious George Washington M0.270.09-0.01
9 Broadmead Will O' The Wisp F0.27-0.010.22
10 Broadmead Charlie Brown M0.360.030.11

The traditional waterdog of Newfoundland was discovered by visiting British nobles who brought this sporting dog back to England in the early 19th century. English breeders refined the breed in the latter half of the century to the sporting dog it is today. The do-it-all, gentle, loving nature of the breed made this a popular breed the world over.

Generally diverse and populous, the Labrador Retriever's most common breed-wide health risks are hip and elbow dysplasia and patellar luxation. They are also known to suffer from distichiasis, exercise-induced collapse, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, tricuspid valve dysplasia, and entropion.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I10061.84%
Class I10089.51%
Class I10160.31%
Class I10172.76%
Class I10307.36%
Class I10330.31%
Class I10450.61%
Class I10460.31%
Class I10547.98%
Class I10621.84%
Class I106536.81%
Class I10683.07%
Class I10700.31%
Class I11054.29%
Class I11340.31%
Class I11420.31%
Class I116521.17%
Class I11760.31%
Class I12260.31%
Class I12430.31%
Class II20031.23%
Class II20053.99%
Class II20072.15%
Class II20211.84%
Class II20227.98%
Class II20237.36%
Class II20244.29%
Class II20310.31%
Class II20320.31%
Class II20390.61%
Class II20460.92%
Class II204834.66%
Class II20490.31%
Class II20528.59%
Class II20532.76%
Class II208021.17%
Class II20830.31%
Class II21271.23%
Class I10061.84%
Class I10089.51%
Class I10160.31%
Class I10172.76%
Class I10307.36%
Class I10330.31%
Class I10450.61%
Class I10460.31%
Class I10547.98%
Class I10621.84%
Class I106536.81%
Class I10683.07%
Class I10700.31%
Class I11054.29%
Class I11340.31%
Class I11420.31%
Class I116521.17%
Class I11760.31%
Class I12260.31%
Class I12430.31%
Class II20031.23%
Class II20053.99%
Class II20072.15%
Class II20211.84%
Class II20227.98%
Class II20237.36%
Class II20244.29%
Class II20310.31%
Class II20320.31%
Class II20390.61%
Class II20460.92%
Class II204834.66%
Class II20490.31%
Class II20528.59%
Class II20532.76%
Class II208021.17%
Class II20830.31%
Class II21271.23%

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1Applewoods into the StormF0.58-0.16-0.11
2Bergin's BeatrixF0.45-0.110.07
3Bergin's BellaF0.47-0.140.07
4Bergin's BrielleF0.33-0.05-0.04
5Bergin's BrookF0.40-0.080.08
8Broadmead Amazing GraceF0.200.040.20
9Broadmead Benny and the JetsM0.270.08-0.01
10Broadmead BFF BuddyM0.180.13-0.04
11Broadmead Big BenM0.200.110.09
12Broadmead Blonde BombshellF0.320.020.13
13Broadmead Bodhi Blue BayM0.290.06-0.02
14Broadmead Briar RoseF0.280.09-0.07
15Broadmead British Properties Golden LionM0.44-0.01-0.01
16Broadmead Canoecove Goes RoyalF0.340.030.08
17Broadmead Catch My Drift Lola?F0.280.070.03
18Broadmead Charlie BrownM0.360.030.11
19Broadmead Curious George WashingtonM0.270.09-0.01
20Broadmead Frankly My DearF0.240.080.16
21Broadmead Gaelic BeautyF0.180.14-0.01
22Broadmead Gunnar's Glory Dream M0.260.040.06
23Broadmead Hidden GemF0.320.070.09
24Broadmead Jasper's Full GloryM0.180.070.28
25Broadmead MacKenzie BeachF0.240.020.25
26Broadmead Make My Brown Eyes BlueM0.190.130.08
27Broadmead MockingbirdF0.260.020.13
28Broadmead Modern MillieF0.210.110.14
29Broadmead Moonlit SnowF0.140.070.33
30Broadmead NoblemanM0.270.060.06
31Broadmead Please Sir I Want Some MoreM0.190.090.22
32Broadmead Precious GemF0.220.060.19
33Broadmead Private EyeM0.300.070.07
34Broadmead Rocky Mountain JasperF0.340.020.14
35Broadmead Rosies Roxy RollerF0.240.100.01
36Broadmead Shorewood SilvaF0.240.110.10
37Broadmead Sun QueenF0.290.020.26
38Broadmead Tail Of Two CitiesM0.260.09-0.07
39Broadmead Theodore BearM0.290.010.18
40Broadmead Treasure HunterM0.33-0.030.23
41Broadmead Twilight's GleamF0.220.10-0.08
42Broadmead Water SpriteF0.360.040.04
43Broadmead Will O' The WispF0.27-0.010.22
44Broadmead's Aloha to Snow M0.190.100.09
45Broadmead's D I LewisM0.290.01-0.04
46Broadmead's General MontgomeryM0.380.05-0.08
47Broadmead's Miss WoodhouseF0.25-0.020.20
48Broadmead's Sleeping BeautyF0.200.070.15
49Broadmead's Snow QueenF0.230.010.44
50Broadmead's Snow Storm M0.260.050.16
51Bustin' Waters Double TakeM0.36-0.110.02
52Canoecove A Love SupremeF0.340.080.02
53Canoecove Fly The SkyM0.340.07-0.04
54Canoecove Into The BlueM0.340.070.02
55Canoecove Into The Blue OceanM0.280.12-0.03
56Canoecove Sweet And HotF0.310.090.01
57Chunky River Moonshine MadnessM0.40-0.100.00
58Coastal's Kalifornia DreamingF0.46-0.090.01
59Contender Covey at GalodyF0.75-0.280.21
61Dovetail's Maigold Copy CatF0.37-0.07-0.02
62Eromit Devil's Tongue RedF0.32-0.100.08
63Eromit's Kimber SurpriseF0.45-0.150.03
64Eromit's LockFive Need For SpeedF0.52-0.200.23
65Eromit's Street LegalF0.36-0.09-0.05
66Eromit's Suspenseful AddictionF0.35-0.150.18
67Eromit's White Lightning ShineF0.36-0.150.19
68Fastergun Black JetF0.41-0.150.22
69Fish Dog's Playing in the Kona SurfM0.310.010.03
70Folly Hill's Crazy Train @ Triple Threat MH QAAM0.290.03-0.13
71FR's Homemade HoochF0.46-0.160.14
72FR's Hooked On QuackM0.60-0.17-0.03
73FR's Hot Hawaiian LickerF0.39-0.140.01
74FR's Mistry of Haley's HopeF0.47-0.180.07
75FR's Slick Willy WallyM0.31-0.110.04
76Galody No Smoke Without FireF0.53-0.200.21
77Galody Smoking GunM0.59-0.14-0.11
78Grizzly's Razz-Ma-TazzF0.36-0.100.07
79Hightest Sagacious LadyF0.35-0.080.25
80Ironpaws All Systems GoF0.38-0.090.03
81Ironpaws American MuscleM0.56-0.13-0.18
82Ironpaws Black Rock Time To DreamM0.70-0.250.07
83Ironpaws Chasin' The DreamM0.52-0.180.04
84Ironpaws Little Irish MiracleM0.63-0.09-0.20
85Ironpaws Sky's The LimitF0.31-0.130.13
86Ironpaws Westshore Meant To BeM0.49-0.170.04
88Kai Den Tri-Ever Rozova at Tenacity AmenF0.230.060.09
89Keepsake Flower ChildF0.320.000.04
90Labraharvest Tenacity's GainM0.370.00-0.16
91Labs to Love Oliver TolliverM0.270.080.04
92Lakota's Mystic Spirit of the IsleF0.31-0.070.18
93Lazy M Otter B Huntin at Beaty LakeF0.27-0.060.15
94Lazy M's Luck of the IrishF0.37-0.120.21
95Loyal Labrador's Exodus From The NormM0.45-0.070.07
96Mr. Sandman's BubbaM0.37-0.120.17
97Newlander's Klassic Axel BreakerM0.250.020.12
98Newlander's Row Row Yo BoatsM0.58-0.180.04
100Pine Prairie's Play It Again LacyF0.380.00-0.12
101Princess Peanut-ButtercupF0.27-0.040.09
102Rhumbline's Song of the SeaF0.37-0.05-0.10
103Rosie the RetrieverF0.370.04-0.20
104Sagecreek's Guns A Blazin'F0.37-0.110.04
105Scarfone's Sky's the limitF0.37-0.020.01
106Semko's Heart Of FireF0.45-0.090.08
107Sheenaron Merry SequoiaF0.390.00-0.12
108Sinatra From Here to Eternity GFCYM0.65-0.11-0.16
109Single GirlF0.37-0.100.15
110Six Mile's Canadian TwistM0.59-0.180.14
111Solace's New LeagueM0.25-0.040.22
112Spanglish's Mountain PeakF0.59-0.150.07
113Stofer's Abraham FarleyM0.380.00-0.14
114Stofer's BearM0.38-0.160.11
115Stofer's BenjaminM0.35-0.020.09
116Stofer's CalebM0.47-0.11-0.04
117Stofer's RoscoM0.49-0.070.01
119Tiffany´s Moon River GFCYF0.49-0.10-0.07
120Torg's Water on StoneM0.67-0.210.04
121Veli vir Einar CodoM0.55-0.190.31
122WindyCanyon's Don't Stop Believin' SHF0.400.01-0.02
123Windycanyon's Royal RussetM0.21-0.010.28
125Ynda's MorellaF0.36-0.050.09
126Ynda's My-Favorite-MartianM0.210.090.07
127Ynda's NigelM0.36-0.050.10
128Ynda's Shenandoah-DreamM0.190.080.08

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Breeder list coming soon.