Shiba Inu

Temperament: Independent and feisty with strong prey drive, the Shiba Inu is intelligent and loyal to family while aloof with strangers. Known for their cleanliness, they can easy to housebreak and are long lived, sturdy, beautiful dogs, and the most popular companion dog in Japan.

Height: Male: 38 - 41 cm (15 to 16 in) Female: 35 to38 cm (14 to 15 in)

Weight: Male: 10-13 kg (22 - 23 lb) Female: 8-10 kg (20 - 22 lb)

Life Span: 12-15 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.37

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.34

OI Average for dogs under 2: 0.41

Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: 0.00

AGR Average for dogs over 10: 0.00

AGR Average for dogs under 2: -0.02

Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.00

IR Average for dogs over 10: 0.01

IR Average for dogs under 2: 0.03

Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Fudzisan Daishin Go M0.300.000.18
2 Shan Shohrat Dazzling Kida F0.440.02-0.09
3 Nolson Cubo Pandoras Shogun M0.290.020.01
4 Anzen of the Willow Tay M0.420.00-0.10
5 Inari Garden Amanegoma F0.350.040.10
6 Hanabi's Daishi die Dynamische Dagmar F0.36-0.010.04
7 Hanabi's Daika die Damenhafte Diana F0.330.02-0.03
8 Vol'jin Go Sakura Kensha M0.310.050.01
9 Xotic Taste Of House Verona F0.39-0.020.01
10 Banira no Yuuka Go Tamashii to Hokori F0.430.02-0.07

The smallest of the original six native Japanese spitz breeds, the ancient Shiba Inu was original bred for hunting small game in the mountains of Japan. Long the subject of interest from breed conservationists, the breed almost died out in World War II. Three distinct lines remained and from these, all Shiba Inu today descend.

Overall, the Shiba Inu is an overall healthy breed, and the longest living dog, who died at 26, was a Shiba Inu. The most common health problems in Shiba Inu seem to be ocular genetic disorders and allergies. Hip dysplasia is uncommon and appears before age two. Shiba Inu can have some typical small dog problems like luxating patella and dental issues.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I10190.33%
Class I105434.21%
Class I10810.33%
Class I109122.70%
Class I11092.63%
Class I11330.66%
Class I11601.32%
Class I119125.33%
Class I11921.97%
Class I11930.33%
Class I11940.66%
Class I11952.30%
Class I11960.66%
Class I11971.32%
Class I11984.93%
Class I12810.33%
Class II20011.32%
Class II20154.93%
Class II20160.33%
Class II201825.00%
Class II20320.33%
Class II206721.71%
Class II20710.33%
Class II20830.33%
Class II20970.66%
Class II20981.32%
Class II21050.66%
Class II210634.87%
Class II21070.33%
Class II21082.30%
Class II21092.63%
Class II21100.66%
Class II21111.97%
Class II21290.33%
Class I10190.33%
Class I105434.21%
Class I10810.33%
Class I109122.70%
Class I11092.63%
Class I11330.66%
Class I11601.32%
Class I119125.33%
Class I11921.97%
Class I11930.33%
Class I11940.66%
Class I11952.30%
Class I11960.66%
Class I11971.32%
Class I11984.93%
Class I12810.33%
Class II20011.32%
Class II20154.93%
Class II20160.33%
Class II201825.00%
Class II20320.33%
Class II206721.71%
Class II20710.33%
Class II20830.33%
Class II20970.66%
Class II20981.32%
Class II21050.66%
Class II210634.87%
Class II21070.33%
Class II21082.30%
Class II21092.63%
Class II21100.66%
Class II21111.97%
Class II21290.33%

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1Ai no Jikan go Yukiko KenshaM0.59-0.090.02
2Ai to Makoto go Yukiko KenshaF0.320.10-0.09
3Ajisai Hime Go Okami No TsukiF0.460.00-0.10
4Akafukuryuu Go Saitama KatouM0.320.05-0.07
5Akagitsune BitekiF0.360.00-0.06
6Akahoshi no Koumyou Go Tamashii to HokoriF0.42-0.030.09
7Akai Hana TaikoM0.40-0.05-0.06
8Akai Hana UroshimoM0.360.00-0.07
9Akemi FukumaruF0.330.05-0.14
10Akemi No Tama Go TessaigaF0.330.06-0.11
11Akogaretai Yume go Ukiyo SouF0.37-0.010.00
12Anzen of the Willow TayM0.420.00-0.10
13Aozora Tenshi go Yukiko KenshaF0.350.010.05
14Arakon VisterijaM0.330.050.05
15Asemi MeyF0.310.030.02
16Atarashii Sora no Hime Go Tamashii to HokoriF0.47-0.040.02
17Atsushi Tarou Go Tamashii to HokoriM0.45-0.050.07
18Atsushi Tarou Go Tamashii to Hokori GrauM0.45-0.06-0.02
19Ayaka Sasaki go Yukiko KenshaF0.290.020.06
20Ayame Migoto Go Okami No TsukiF0.260.11-0.20
21Baku Ryujin go Ukiyo SouM0.370.00-0.04
22Banira no Yuuka Go Tamashii to HokoriF0.430.02-0.07
23Banryuu Kaito Go Tamashii to HokoriM0.50-0.070.07
24Bashou no Ichi go Okami no TsukiM0.290.000.03
25Bashou no Sei go Yukiko KenshaM0.320.03-0.12
26Benii Ken's IzukoM0.270.030.00
27Beniryuuhime no Suki Go Tamashii to HokoriF0.43-0.060.11
28Benitatsu no Homare Go Tamashii to HokoriM0.43-0.03-0.05
29Black Skywalker di Poggio PetroioM0.55-0.090.05
30Bunbuku Chagama go Yukiko KenshaM0.360.03-0.07
31Chiaki no Kaito Go Kurotama Del CastelfalcinoM0.340.03-0.11
32Chijou no Hoshi go Yukiko KenshaF0.58-0.10-0.05
33Chikamasa v. Xirana KenshaM0.440.02-0.07
34Color Breeze MichieF0.310.03-0.10
35Copperdots Beikoku BenikaF0.390.00-0.13
36Daichi No Hideo Of Twins HomeM0.360.01-0.13
37Daiko No Koharu GoF0.320.02-0.04
38Daishizen no Majuu go Yukiko KenshaF0.400.00-0.10
39Daiyuna V. Xirana KenshaF0.450.00-0.19
40Dakini no Shinwa go Yukiko KenshaF0.360.020.04
41Dar Chingiza Let's Do Some Hocus PocusM0.360.00-0.01
42Demishstar WakidzashiM0.32-0.070.30
43Denpachi Gitsune go Yukiko KenshaM0.250.06-0.06
44Dragon House InvictusM0.38-0.04-0.06
45Eiko no Nikkei go Yukiko KenshaF0.32-0.040.03
46Explorer's BenihimeF0.27-0.020.24
47Explorer's K-Midori TanakaF0.26-0.030.10
48Fudo Kurokyou of Twins HomeM0.310.03-0.01
49Fudzisan Akane No KurohimeF0.34-0.030.08
50Fudzisan Daishin GoM0.300.000.18
51Fugo Tatsu Tenshi YoiM0.390.000.00
52Fumio of Sunrise InuM0.240.05-0.07
53GANKO NA BIJIN T'MARU F0.42-0.050.08
54Grand Lain Yadayto NesseyM0.390.03-0.15
55Hanabi's Baki der bärenstarke BenM0.190.070.11
56Hanabi's Daika die Damenhafte DianaF0.330.02-0.03
57Hanabi's Daishi die Dynamische DagmarF0.36-0.010.04
58Hi-Jinx AmirahF0.320.02-0.06
59Hiroshi Tempo del Cazadora BlancaM0.42-0.030.06
60Honovi Lokelani Kaberu Go Des-MarF0.390.00-0.18
61Inari Garden AmanegomaF0.350.040.10
62Inaridou IrohaF0.290.08-0.13
63Inaridou MugenM0.340.03-0.04
64Inu of FeatherburryM0.35-0.050.17
65Isshi Neomy Go KuroakasouF0.260.030.12
66Iva MorikoF0.36-0.010.04
67Jazmin YorokobiF0.290.00-0.03
68Jiyuna Seishin Aisuru TomodachiM0.330.02-0.06
69Jiyuna Seishin AsahiF0.300.01-0.03
70Jogoso's Notorious Time Lord At KaberuM0.38-0.070.00
72Kibo No Khoshi RikiF0.41-0.010.00
73Kichirou Ryunosuke-Go Samurai YashikiM0.40-0.05-0.02
75Kiyomi of the Potala PalaceF0.300.04-0.03
76Koji Katana Go Shun' You KenshaM0.50-0.04-0.13
77Koki Tarou Go Shun'You KenshaM0.47-0.060.02
78Kokushinshu Go Enshuu AmmasouF0.36-0.03-0.01
79Kuro-Gitsune MachikoF0.370.000.03
80Lacsar Star AttractionF0.370.00-0.09
81Lanakila Go Hauoli ShibaM0.290.040.06
82Lara Haruna of the Potala PalaceF0.38-0.040.16
83Magic Touch Incipita VitaM0.400.05-0.13
84Manami Natsuko RayaF0.250.04-0.03
85Mara-shima Genbu GoM0.220.030.15
86Mara-Shimas Shining MiracleF0.29-0.010.20
87Mara-shimas TamamizuF0.310.03-0.07
88Masakatsu Agatsu Go KuroakasouM0.40-0.020.01
89Mira Go Bingo KamishimasouF0.190.000.20
90Mori Nohata NarumiF0.460.03-0.19
91Myoubu Go Chuken Kiku KenshaF0.46-0.070.04
92N'Jacques Tati de L'Empire des SamouraisM0.220.030.18
93Nicola Glod Kennel BellaM0.310.020.07
94Nolson Cubo Pandoras ShogunM0.290.020.01
95Nozomashii Mirai Go KuroakasouF0.47-0.02-0.11
96Piper's Signs of SpringF0.39-0.090.11
97Porskaerlunds YumiF0.360.030.01
98Rei No Kikyo Go TessaigaF0.43-0.01-0.17
100Rontu Joshi Del Cazadora BlancaF0.30-0.050.21
101Rumi Brave DwarfF0.450.01-0.16
102Saburo Seykatsu go MatsubayashiM0.220.050.03
103Sakura Go KazumisouF0.52-0.07-0.03
104San Jo Game OnM0.49-0.080.01
105Satu Go Hoshi No TamaF0.230.030.12
106Sesshomaru Go TessaigaM0.43-0.07-0.01
107Setzusan Divinita LunareF0.260.040.09
108Shan Shohrat Dazzling KidaF0.440.02-0.09
109Shiluan Yara of OinariF0.65-0.11-0.04
110Shintenjin Go Enshuu HirosesouM0.45-0.130.26
111Shiro Nakama V. WankytanM0.39-0.04-0.02
112Shishi no Ichiran go BangaichisouM0.37-0.020.01
113Shizen no Tamashii Atarashii YuujouM0.46-0.03-0.25
114Shizen no Tamashii Daidô ShôiM0.260.030.02
115Shizen no Tamashii Eien ni Saku HanaF0.30-0.060.23
116Shizen no Tamashii Fudou MyououM0.300.04-0.07
117Shizen no Tamashii Getsuga TenshouM0.300.08-0.08
118Shizen no Tamashii Guren no HanaF0.480.04-0.20
119Shizen No Tamashii Hikari SenritsuM0.290.040.00
120Shizen no Tamashii Juushin no TamotsuM0.60-0.100.01
121Shoeime Of Tai Yuan - TaiwanF0.36-0.020.01
122Shouzougoma Go Sakura KenshaM0.37-0.040.18
123Stan Lee House of PawsM0.33-0.010.10
124Sunojo How We Say ZeeM0.400.01-0.17
125Sunojo Pai Azyuu GoM0.320.01-0.01
126Sutamuroku NaomiF0.45-0.06-0.07
127Sutamuroku Queequeg OthM0.340.08-0.16
128Taiyou No Egao Izumi RyuuhimeF0.48-0.02-0.25
129Takai Doro AmiF0.40-0.010.01
130Tara kuro hime go kazumisouF0.36-0.010.01
131Taree Yakumi Del Cazadora BlancaF0.280.000.07
132Unmei Chiisana KitsuneF0.380.00-0.17
133Ura No Namihime Go Asahi KeisukesouF0.380.01-0.03
134Vaka Go You DjenimaM0.310.000.09
135Vol'jin Go Sakura KenshaM0.310.050.01
136Vonspargs Loki Of OinariM0.44-0.03-0.01
137Vormund Lex LuthorM0.34-0.030.04
138Vulkan Heaven's Swords IzanamiF0.360.030.02
139Vulkan Heavens Swords ChoshihichirouM0.390.03-0.12
140Waka go Chiisana KitsuneF0.39-0.010.03
141Watashi no Chiisana KitsuneF0.340.02-0.02
142Wazari Baruda del Cazadora BlancaF0.560.02-0.24
143We-Sedso JunzoM0.32-0.01-0.09
144Xotic Taste Of House VeronaF0.39-0.020.01
145Xquisite Shade Of Black From Heavenly HillsF0.32-0.030.20
146Yoru No Hime AndyluF0.390.03-0.17
147Yoru No Hime BaggioM0.34-0.030.17
148Yoru No Hime Simba - Genseiko Of M0.28-0.020.30
149Yoru No Hime Snowie - Tenkouko Go F0.23-0.010.24
150Yukiyama No Sumi Nagashi GoF0.370.03-0.13
151Yukizakurame Go KagiyasouF0.370.010.00
152Zumba Zumba Incipita VitaF0.45-0.06-0.09

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Breeder list coming soon.