
Temperament: Cheerful, social, loyal and brave, the Barbet is bred to love water and work happily in any weather.

Height: Male: 21" - 24.5" (AKC/CKC) or 58cm – 65cm (FCI), Female: 19 to 22.5" (AKC/CKC), 53cm – 61 cm (FCI)

Weight: Male: 37–62 lbs (17–28 kg), Female: 31–51 lbs (14–23 kg)

Life Span: 13-15 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.42

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.43

OI Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: 0.01

AGR Average for dogs over 10: 0.01

AGR Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Internal Relatedness: -0.06

IR Average for dogs over 10: -0.07

IR Average for dogs under 2:
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Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Nuphar's Elementary M0.420.000.03
2 Nuphar's I Take Mine Black F0.550.00-0.09
3 Patronum Bleuzorange Olivia F0.420.000.03
4 Northrock's Fly Me To The Moon M0.340.05-0.10
5 Douxbarbu Gwendoline Shelby F0.350.08-0.20
6 Rover Douxbarbu Mackenzie M0.310.07-0.06
7 Wendake Nemours-Joconde F0.410.000.09
8 Magnum Kiss Curl Pickle Paulette Doubs of Corve (IMP FRA)F0.41-0.020.03
9 Barbevoix Padoue M0.52-0.01-0.13
10 Margueritegauthier (ITA)F0.97-0.160.00

An ancient breed, the Barbet is a water-retrieving gun dog thought to be most like the original European curly-coated landrace from which other similar dogs descended, like Portuguese and Spanish Water Dogs and Poodles. After the European wars of the 20th century, numbers dwindled, but dedicated breeders and fanciers have helped support a resurgence in both population size and awareness of this charming breed.

Rarely, epilepsy, umbilical hernias, hip dysplasia and entropion. Can be tested for PRA-prcd.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I10013.91%
Class I10026.25%
Class I100310.94%
Class I102012.50%
Class I10302.34%
Class I10332.34%
Class I103516.41%
Class I10463.12%
Class I10923.12%
Class I109317.19%
Class I115910.94%
Class I120010.94%
Class II200117.97%
Class II200312.50%
Class II20060.78%
Class II20093.12%
Class II20173.12%
Class II20232.34%
Class II203217.19%
Class II20355.47%
Class II204310.16%
Class II204710.94%
Class II208215.62%
Class II21130.78%
Class I10013.91%
Class I10026.25%
Class I100310.94%
Class I102012.50%
Class I10302.34%
Class I10332.34%
Class I103516.41%
Class I10463.12%
Class I10923.12%
Class I109317.19%
Class I115910.94%
Class I120010.94%
Class II200117.97%
Class II200312.50%
Class II20060.78%
Class II20093.12%
Class II20173.12%
Class II20232.34%
Class II203217.19%
Class II20355.47%
Class II204310.16%
Class II204710.94%
Class II208215.62%
Class II21130.78%

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1Aquatilia Avé Innocent IslayF0.370.000.00
2Awelymor MaddoxM0.320.06-0.16
3Barbedoux Braille ErudietF0.59-0.110.22
4Barbedoux Drop LollyF0.38-0.010.12
5Barbet Bays D'Amour Bel DonatelloM0.340.07-0.11
6Barbevoix PadoueM0.52-0.01-0.13
7Bayport's HaileyF0.48-0.04-0.04
8Be-Poppy at NovaforestaF0.300.050.08
9Bleuzorange C Peawi Mystique F0.350.02-0.07
10Bleuzorange Xem dit DariusM0.380.01-0.02
11Bluna du Bois des BuisF0.42-0.010.04
12Charamese HermioneF0.370.000.06
13Coco de la Colline des ViolettesF0.55-0.03-0.10
14Courailée Bleuzorange CallasF0.390.02-0.09
15Courailee EnaM0.310.06-0.06
16Courailée Roidethulé LudovicM0.460.02-0.10
17Da Vinci de la Colline des ViolettesM0.360.06-0.19
18Douxbarbu Gwendoline ShelbyF0.350.08-0.20
19Felipe's Freyja at Los SombraF0.300.07-0.08
20Filou de la Colline des ViolettesM0.430.00-0.01
21Flora Purim Carnaval da CapoF0.390.000.04
22Gin de la Colline des ViolettesF0.440.02-0.08
23Ginger de la Colline des ViolettesF0.430.01-0.04
24Ginkgo de Amelia Bric Anam CharaM0.440.02-0.14
25Good Day Sunshine de la Serve de la Chapelle AlexanderF0.92-0.140.14
26Hickory Tavern Epilogue EclairF0.47-0.030.00
27Hickory Tavern Finally FridayF0.470.02-0.12
28Kaya vom ZulimoF0.400.04-0.15
29Lennox vom ZulimoF0.380.020.03
30LosSombra Remembers Vimy RidgeF0.340.030.06
31Magnum Kiss Curl Pickle Paulette Doubs of CorveF0.41-0.020.03
33Nappyroots JeevikaF0.340.01-0.02
34Neigenuveaux's Island GirlF0.400.02-0.09
35Northrock's Athos PascalM0.420.07-0.31
36Northrock's Eau De JoyF0.390.03-0.11
37Northrock's Fly Me To The MoonM0.340.05-0.10
38Northrock's Goodness GraciousF0.390.01-0.06
39Novaforesta Joss StoneF0.44-0.02-0.15
40Novaforesta Lady FernF0.290.08-0.10
41Novaforesta Lily-of-the-ValleyF0.370.06-0.23
42Nuphar's Bonus PointsM0.300.020.07
43Nuphar's Connect The DotsF0.450.04-0.14
44Nuphar's Deep In A DreamF0.360.09-0.21
45Nuphar's ElementaryM0.420.000.03
46Nuphar's I Take Mine BlackF0.550.00-0.09
47Nuphar's In Full SwingM0.230.08-0.02
48Nuphar's Soak Up The SunF0.300.06-0.04
49Patronum Bleuzorange OliviaF0.420.000.03
50Polnareff Von ZulimoM0.57-0.02-0.19
51Poppenspaler's IchibanM0.62-0.04-0.10
52Quaciendas Alba Aqua-AuraF0.430.06-0.31
53Reeds Fowling AlexiaF0.280.05-0.07
54Revulen's CintraF0.56-0.04-0.10
55Rover Douxbarbu MackenzieM0.310.07-0.06
56Rover's HarlowF0.350.09-0.16
57Rover's Je M'Appelle NoriellaF0.40-0.01-0.03
58Spiritrock Miakoda Power MoonF0.340.04-0.09
59Spiritrock's Kiss from a RoseF0.37-0.020.16
60Spiritrock's OscarM0.390.05-0.21
61Spiritrock's ZoeyF0.360.020.09
62Toulouse Biscay's SapphireM0.62-0.01-0.21
63Tyynelaen Jente's Ma ChasseresseF0.53-0.02-0.11
64Wendake Nemours-JocondeF0.410.000.09

Active BetterBred Breeders:

KennelWebsiteState or ProvinceCountry
Northrock Reg'dWebsiteOntarioCA
La Vieille GardeWebsiteQuebecCanada
vom ZulimoWebsiteSwitzerland