Irish Wolfhound

Temperament: Calm, athletic and imposing in size, this dog is nevertheless serene, gentle and dignified.

Height: Male: 32 inches or more. Females 30 inches and over.

Weight: Male: 120 lbs, Female: 105 lbs

Life Span: 6- 8 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.35

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.34

OI Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: -0.04

AGR Average for dogs over 10: -0.03

AGR Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.02

IR Average for dogs over 10: 0.01

IR Average for dogs under 2:
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Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Goldswift Enchanted Legacy F0.57-0.07-0.31
2 Roots Daighin Cu F0.40-0.090.14
3 Broughadowey Raiden At Torrfionn M0.280.000.11
4 Sclavensisshowmethemoney M0.46-0.02-0.26
5 Monsterinc Justyna F0.200.010.20
6 Cavan Av Black Glacier F0.29-0.040.17
7 Harmaasuden Idaho F0.42-0.07-0.01
8 Nemain Achos M0.340.03-0.17
9 Temair's Intrepid Traveller Of Carrickaneena M0.35-0.020.01
10 Quadrifoglio Verde Bess F0.360.00-0.21

Once a wolf hunter, the breed required restoration once there were no wolves left to hunt. A few founding ancestors made this breed what it is today.

Dilated cardiomyopathy, bloat and cancer are the big concerns in the breed.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I105233.77%
Class I106812.99%
Class I109418.18%
Class I11040.65%
Class I110532.47%
Class I12131.95%
Class II200518.83%
Class II202129.87%
Class II202235.71%
Class II20311.30%
Class II205312.99%
Class II20830.65%
Class II21330.65%
Class I105233.77%
Class I106812.99%
Class I109418.18%
Class I11040.65%
Class I110532.47%
Class I12131.95%
Class II200518.83%
Class II202129.87%
Class II202235.71%
Class II20311.30%
Class II205312.99%
Class II20830.65%
Class II21330.65%

Search For a Irish Wolfhound

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1A Million Dollar Baby Of GlenkerkaF0.42-0.060.02
2A Star is Born of RysheroneM0.240.030.13
3Achnacon Banbha at MalinkeyF0.210.050.12
4Amarach BreanneF0.39-0.040.00
5Aragorn N Gabriel Emmett O'TailstormM0.310.06-0.15
6Arwen Feebee's Home Of WolvebriggF0.210.000.08
7Ayda vom Bliesener BauerstallF0.36-0.100.22
8Ballyphelan PantherM0.36-0.02-0.19
9Ban An Maidin of HoundsCroftF0.49-0.210.10
10Boondocks Mountain AshM0.38-0.06-0.01
11Broughadowey Raiden At TorrfionnM0.280.000.11
12Cavan Av Black GlacierF0.29-0.040.17
13Cheltigh Liberty BelleF0.36-0.060.07
14Cheltigh Samuel AdamsM0.40-0.100.03
15Coleraine's ElamM0.300.08-0.24
16Cornovi KeatsM0.280.07-0.05
17Crooked House Dornroschen F0.35-0.120.18
18Cu Muirin Morrison Of EagleM0.33-0.090.14
19Dia Duit's Anibesa LeonM0.32-0.01-0.10
20Dia Duit's Anna AineF0.280.00-0.01
21Dia Duit's Solas SuilineachF0.240.000.09
22Dukesarum AtticusM0.270.06-0.10
23Dukesarum ChiaraF0.36-0.080.09
24Dukesarum GiacomoM0.37-0.050.09
25Dukesarum GideonM0.32-0.090.20
26Dukesarum LilybetF0.50-0.12-0.04
27Dukesarum MegF0.26-0.110.34
28Dukesarum PegF0.30-0.100.29
29Dukesarum ScoutF0.250.06-0.05
30Dukesarum WizardM0.31-0.090.28
31Dukesarum YohjiM0.34-0.01-0.06
32Eavan Eithne Zeleny pruhF0.41-0.110.12
33Fernmark PyrrhaF0.47-0.080.06
34Fernmark VanadisM0.300.020.00
36Gaeltarra Eireann WatsonM0.500.00-0.32
37Goldswift Enchanted LegacyF0.57-0.07-0.31
38Great Gatsby Caer DallbenM0.56-0.14-0.09
39Harmaasuden IdahoF0.42-0.07-0.01
40Harropine Dermot O'Leary Of WolvebriggM0.43-0.100.07
41Irie O'Petty (King of the Britons)M0.53-0.11-0.10
42Lady Olivia of Doomore Wildwood at Dragonfly RestF0.34-0.030.03
43Largh Pah Now For Something Completely Different M0.34-0.130.29
44Lean do chroí Aoibheann AineF0.31-0.02-0.05
45Lean do chroí BernardM0.36-0.080.09
46Milbrose Kelly O'FiddlerF0.230.000.04
47Monsterinc JustynaF0.200.010.20
48Morning Glory's Gypsy BrideF0.32-0.050.01
49Nemain AchosM0.340.03-0.17
50Nutstown Noble Legacy of ManasotaM0.270.07-0.09
51Orin of NutstownM0.340.02-0.16
52Pennybright AidanM0.43-0.180.23
53Pennybright ConstanceF0.33-0.060.01
54Pierpoint Moonjam Black PearlF0.210.070.10
55Quadrifoglio Verde BessF0.360.00-0.21
56Ravensbeech Comitas Of WolvebriggM0.35-0.010.04
57Riversong's Molly McNeil o'dia DuitF0.39-0.01-0.15
58Rocky Road to Forty SixF0.56-0.270.18
59Roots Daighin CuF0.40-0.090.14
60Sabine SilvaF0.36-0.030.07
62Steppin'Wolf's Mended BondsF0.40-0.120.07
63Steppin'wolf's Q Squared of Morning GloryM0.220.12-0.18
64Steppin'wolf's Requiem for MethuselahM0.260.06-0.02
65Steppin'Wolf's the Trouble With TribblesF0.180.070.16
66Steppin'Wolf's To Boldly GoF0.160.070.10
67Swordstone IgraineF0.340.02-0.06
68Swordstone JoelM0.250.06-0.05
69Temair's Intrepid Traveller Of CarrickaneenaM0.35-0.020.01
70Umberleigh O'MarksbayM0.43-0.10-0.07
71Ungus O'MarksbayM0.290.06-0.14
72Wolfhouse AvantgardeF0.30-0.040.00
73Wolfhouse Dahlia at MalinkeyF0.370.00-0.16
74Wolfhouse Daviniah Of WolvebriggF0.49-0.10-0.04
75Wulfgar ForaoisF0.27-0.030.13
76Xalibur's SheridanM0.41-0.070.00
77XOXO Anette From Arya O'Marksbay CGC TKNF0.37-0.090.13

Active BetterBred Breeders:

KennelWebsiteState or ProvinceCountry
MalinkeyWebsiteUnited Kingdom
Steppin' Wolf Irish WolfhoundsWebsiteKentuckyUnited States