Berger Picard

Temperament: A true working shepherd's dog, the Berger Picard is lively, alert and confident, yet aloof with strangers.

Height: Male: 23.5 to 25.5 inches. Females 21.5 to 23.5 inches.

Weight: 50-70 lbs

Life Span: 12-13 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.37

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.40

OI Average for dogs under 2: 0.44

Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: -0.01

AGR Average for dogs over 10: -0.03

AGR Average for dogs under 2: -0.02

Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.01

IR Average for dogs over 10: -0.01

IR Average for dogs under 2: -0.01

Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Idee Fixe Visa's Maxed Out F0.44-0.02-0.01
2 Eclipse Lust for Life F0.38-0.070.12
3 Sportingfields Eclipse Legally Blonde F0.280.040.14
4 IOM Green Girl F0.310.050.06
5 IOM Pink Girl F0.45-0.080.01
6 IOM Red Boy M0.360.08-0.19
7 IOM Blue Boy M0.410.00-0.09
8 Sportingfields Eclipse I Am Groot M0.320.060.12
9 Idée Fixe That's A Keepah! M0.440.02-0.07
10 Idée Fixe Ten More Minutes M0.450.05-0.15

The indiginous sheep dog of the French agricultural region of Picardy, the breed was nearly extinct after two world wars. This breed is thought by some to be the oldest of the French pasture dogs, related to the French herders, the Briard and the Beauceron. In recent years this very rare breed has made a small comeback.

Classic canine issues like hip dysplasia and PRA are found in the breed, and there is risking concern about autoimmune diseases and IBD.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I105210.54%
Class I122789.46%
Class II201710.54%
Class II206789.46%
Class I105210.54%
Class I122789.46%
Class II201710.54%
Class II206789.46%

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1AllStars Leonardo DiCaprioM0.51-0.02-0.23
2Alpha Natura Nike Avec PicarbooF0.43-0.180.26
3Atengaflu's Anthon-Berg HimselfM0.39-0.120.13
4BeauVol's B'ZingerF0.410.17-0.52
5BeauVol's Chocolat StellaF0.43-0.080.02
6BeauVol's I Am Bilbo BagginsM0.49-0.12-0.14
7BeauVol's Magnificent MillieF0.54-0.260.12
8BeauVol's On The NoseM0.37-0.08-0.02
9Blue Fawn FF0.310.13-0.16
10Brindle MM0.46-0.08-0.01
11Chalise DixieF0.53-0.130.02
12Chico Dit Chacal Du Domaine De BredenardeM0.37-0.02-0.02
13DeerPark Finnigan DasherM0.40-0.040.00
14Eclipse Battle CryM0.270.040.09
15Eclipse Etoile Du NordM0.40-0.03-0.03
16Eclipse Flying SoloM0.270.070.03
17Eclipse Hive TalkinM0.41-0.04-0.15
18Eclipse I'm Your Honey BeeF0.320.12-0.27
19Eclipse Jacks To Open Trips To WinM0.430.02-0.21
20Eclipse Lets Get Ready to BumbleM0.320.05-0.11
21Eclipse Lust for LifeF0.38-0.070.12
22Eclipse Lyras White StarF0.44-0.140.31
23Eclipse Mars Express Truly PreciousF0.360.06-0.11
24Eclipse Maximum Impact @ Ides of MarchM0.290.010.24
25Eclipse Mind on Fire v DomusM0.360.06-0.05
26Eclipse Moment So RareF0.280.15-0.11
27Eclipse Mynni Me Busy Bee V HyloweF0.340.04-0.05
28Eclipse Once In A Blue MoonM0.34-0.010.07
29Eclipse Scarborough FairF0.36-0.040.04
30Eclipse Shake Your HoneymakerM0.320.030.06
31Eclipse Sierra Casting Spells at AragonF0.30-0.030.33
32Eclipse Sierra KarmaisaBitchF0.27-0.040.26
33Eclipse Sierra Oh No Mr. MagooF0.350.020.01
34Eclipse Sierra Whos on FirstF0.36-0.020.07
35Eclipse Turnin Sexy Up to 10F0.420.04-0.20
36Eclipse You're In My Spot M0.280.010.19
37Eclipse's Busy Being FabulousF0.43-0.160.20
38Eclipse's Dark Side of the MoonF0.380.01-0.09
39Eclipse's Grand Ami Des Petites GensM0.340.15-0.35
40Eclipse's Over the MoonF0.33-0.030.10
41Fawn MM0.230.15-0.05
42Flywire Heavy Hitter At Green AcresM0.400.04-0.10
43Flywire Master Of ZenF0.48-0.07-0.20
44Gioia Du Clos De La SapineraieF0.42-0.01-0.09
45Gotham De La Jassette Du Cap Del MasM0.280.19-0.23
46Gribouille des Falaises d'Fort les BansM0.460.01-0.17
47Iconic De La PicardieM0.320.040.07
48Idée Fixe Talk Nautical To MeM0.470.05-0.30
49Idée Fixe Tangled Up In BlueF0.470.05-0.22
50Idée Fixe Tell Me What Y'Want, What Y'Rly Rly WantF0.480.00-0.02
51Idée Fixe Ten More MinutesM0.450.05-0.15
52Idée Fixe That's A Keepah!M0.440.02-0.07
53Idée Fixe The Impossible ThingM0.430.04-0.09
54Idee Fixe Visa's Maxed OutF0.44-0.02-0.01
55Ides of March DD More Than Meets The EyeF0.25-0.010.19
56Ides of March Natural Born ThrillerF0.200.110.34
57Ides Of March Next Big Thing F0.250.020.23
58Ides of March Raining Somewhere ElseM0.170.000.31
59Ides of March Ramble On RoseF0.24-0.060.21
60Ides of March Random Acts of KindnessM0.280.12-0.15
61Ides of March RBGF0.200.000.19
62Ides of March Ready to ThrillM0.200.020.24
63Ides of March Renaissance ManM0.220.060.04
64Ides of March Rocky CoastM0.360.02-0.01
65Ides of March RubiconM0.28-0.030.08
66Ides of March Runs With ScissorsF0.27-0.070.16
67Ides Of March Take My MoneyM0.320.040.00
68Igor du Domaine de BredenardeM0.270.11-0.15
69IOM Blue BoyM0.410.00-0.09
70IOM Brindle GirlF0.24-0.020.25
71IOM Fawn BoyM0.27-0.020.15
72IOM Fawn GirlF0.320.07-0.06
73IOM Green GirlF0.310.050.06
74IOM Pink GirlF0.45-0.080.01
75IOM Red BoyM0.360.08-0.19
76James-Joriques D'Ered LuinM0.57-0.290.26
77Kelyn's Lovett Here I AmM0.47-0.120.13
78Kulana Eclipse Figure it OutF0.370.06-0.21
79Kulana Eclipse Penny4urthoughtF0.220.060.16
80Lambda Let's Stay TogetherF0.310.11-0.03
81Levon Des Garous D'EbeneM0.32-0.040.09
82Lucienne Rose De La Foret De GarouF0.51-0.07-0.13
83Malou de la Vallee des MaixF0.64-0.22-0.03
84Marquis De La Vie en RoseM0.41-0.030.11
85Maya De La Vallee De Creve Coeur Avec PicarbooF0.42-0.05-0.16
86Millicent de la Vie en RoseF0.37-0.060.21
87Mordha Glenn's Onora de BallerineF0.46-0.09-0.24
88Morel des MontagnesM0.46-0.03-0.24
89Murray D'Ered Luin Avec PicarbooM0.51-0.140.01
90Nemesis De Haute CreteF0.340.13-0.35
91Nike Juste Ne Pas Faire Il De Haute CreteF0.270.040.12
92Nikolaus Marius Du Clos de La SapineraieM0.57-0.08-0.24
93Noble Ballad Rose of Xanadu's AriaF0.40-0.020.02
94Noblepicard's Take A Number RI RATNF0.44-0.200.11
95Noggle Of The MidlandsM0.260.060.17
96Nutmeg of Shropshire avec PicarenzoF0.330.06-0.10
97Nyx L'Esprit De Violet De Haute CreteF0.320.10-0.15
98O'Monet De LaColline De GaiaF0.460.00-0.08
99Oiseau Des MontagnesF0.370.10-0.10
100Olivier de la Vie en RoseM0.40-0.010.04
101Orange Boy CollarM0.370.00-0.03
102Orange Fawn FF0.36-0.03-0.02
103Orange Park Special Agent Leroy Jethro GibbsM0.50-0.150.03
104Owen D'Ered Luin M0.59-0.18-0.08
107Phish de la Jassette du Cap del MasM0.420.11-0.31
108Pic d'Arlee Nelson avec BergerpicardM0.390.10-0.34
109Picardiers Opportunity KnocksM0.360.010.03
110Pierre de La Vie en RoseM0.52-0.07-0.04
111Pilar De Lann GuicF0.37-0.110.30
112Pink Fawn FF0.180.130.09
113Pollux des MontagnesM0.42-0.120.23
114Ratatat Outstanding at PickraaftsF0.330.030.13
115Roserock's PetraOriana des MontagnesF0.32-0.050.39
116Sketchbook It's 5 O'clock SomewhereM0.380.05-0.08
117Sketchbook Ma Cher AmioF0.49-0.160.08
118Sketchbook Nobody Else But EweF0.59-0.12-0.23
119Sketchbook Prolific Prophecy F0.49-0.120.11
120Solo's Belle of the BayouF0.330.020.19
121Solo's Come Hell or High WaterF0.370.010.02
122Solo's Hot MessF0.36-0.050.17
123Songbird Ready Set GoF0.33-0.01-0.03
124Sporting Fields Eclipse Honor FlightM0.340.000.08
125Sportingfields Eclipse Fly EffortlesslyM0.420.09-0.20
126Sportingfields Eclipse Hear my EchoF0.330.06-0.02
127Sportingfields Eclipse I Am GrootM0.320.060.12
128Sportingfields Eclipse Legally BlondeF0.280.040.14
129Stargazer TalismanM0.60-0.15-0.06
130Steinerhaus Fearless GladiatorM0.47-0.14-0.01
131Toucha Make It SoM0.260.060.10
132Toucha OOH LA LA at Rhythm Rock F0.350.07-0.25
133Troubadour One Shining StarM0.41-0.03-0.02
134Yellow Brindle FF0.250.000.14

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