Alaskan Klee Kai

Temperament: Highly intelligent, trainable, active dog. Alert and occasionally vocal.

Height: Three sizes: standard, over 15 inches up to and including 17 inches; miniature, over 13 inches up to and including 15 inches; and toy, up to 13 inches.

Weight: 10-20 lbs

Life Span: 12 - 16 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.24

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.22

OI Average for dogs under 2: 0.22

Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: 0.00

AGR Average for dogs over 10: 0.02

AGR Average for dogs under 2: -0.02

Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.00

IR Average for dogs over 10: 0.01

IR Average for dogs under 2: -0.13

Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Timberlane's Deja Vu F0.130.060.16
2 Ravn's Grand Depart Inca F0.26-0.030.05
3PR FOXX's Wynn Your Heart F0.22-0.02-0.13
4 Pockets Griffin M0.24-0.010.09
5 Pockets Mystic Moon Beam F0.130.12-0.08
6PR Mikka Phoenix Rising in Pocket F0.220.06-0.18
7 Jemira-Alasco's Pawiluk F0.23-0.050.20
8 Maheekun Amber at Aurora F0.25-0.120.26
9'PR' Foxx's Pocket Dixieland Delite F0.110.14-0.13
10'PR' Pocket's Silver Linings of Foxx F0.25-0.02-0.01

The Alaskan Klee Kai was developed in the 1970s from a rescue named Curious who was believed to have been bred from a purebred Husky and a mixed breed dog. The Spurlin family developed the beginning of the AKK breed from this initial rescue. Other dogs used in the production of the breed included Siberian and Alaskan Huskies, a Schipperke and an American Eskimo Dogs. The Alaskan Klee Kai (AKK) was officially recognized by the American Rare Breed Association (ARBA) in 1995 and by the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 1997. AKK occur in three size ranges: 1) Toy - ?13 inches; 2) Miniature - >13 inches and ?15 inches, and Standard - >15 inches and ?17 inches.

Breed Standard coming soon!'

AKK have been found to be doing a good job at present maintaining heterozygousity within the breed.

Alaskan klee kai's are fairly closely clustered together genetically. When compared to modern day village dogs, AKK would be considered products of full-sibling matings, with substantial loss of breed-wide diversity. They have been found to have a severe bottleneck with low average alleles and effective alleles found within the tested population (Na of 4.788 alleles per locus and a mean Ne of 2.620 alleles per locus resepctively).

AKK have been found to be doing a good job at present maintaining heterozygousity within the breed.

All of the DLA found in AKK have been found in other breed. At present, 11 different STR-associated DLA Class I and 8 DLA Class II have been found. This is a fairly typical number of DLA compared to other breeds.

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I10086.04%
Class I10115.49%
Class I101434.48%
Class I104022.53%
Class I10600.82%
Class I10615.22%
Class I106221.98%
Class I10631.10%
Class I10642.06%
Class I10720.27%
Class II20072.06%
Class II20125.91%
Class II20147.14%
Class II202122.66%
Class II203734.48%
Class II20425.22%
Class II204322.53%
Class I10086.04%
Class I10115.49%
Class I101434.48%
Class I104022.53%
Class I10600.82%
Class I10615.22%
Class I106221.98%
Class I10631.10%
Class I10642.06%
Class I10720.27%
Class II20072.06%
Class II20125.91%
Class II20147.14%
Class II202122.66%
Class II203734.48%
Class II20425.22%
Class II204322.53%

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1Aklokum CallieF0.170.000.11
2Aklokum ChrissyF0.180.040.00
3Aklokum Foxy Cleopatra DF0.27-0.080.30
4Aklokum GargoyleM0.22-0.020.05
5Aklokum GirlieF0.16-0.030.19
6Aklokum GrizzlyM0.14-0.070.46
7Aklokum HannaF0.38-0.03-0.12
8Aklokum HartwinM0.270.03-0.07
9Aklokum HulkM0.300.02-0.10
10Alasco's AntulkeF0.140.060.05
11Alasco's BarrowM0.20-0.080.17
12Alasco's ChugachM0.140.000.10
13Alasco's KarakM0.29-0.02-0.05
14Alasco's KinegnakM0.32-0.120.13
15Alasco's NunivakM0.120.150.00
16Alasco's PerryvilleM0.40-0.150.16
17Alasco's Piolak FoxxM0.190.060.05
18Alasco's Ritzy Rendezvous FoxxF0.31-0.03-0.15
19Alasco's ShugnakM0.130.050.16
20Alasco's Teekon Treasure FoxxM0.180.020.11
21Alasco's TuksiarpokF0.33-0.070.02
22Alatah's CyraF0.140.11-0.06
23Alatah's Maheekun MystiqueF0.26-0.01-0.14
24Angels Crest Terra V CruiserF0.200.010.06
25Avalonia's DemitasseF0.22-0.080.00
26Avalonia's ZorroM0.180.010.04
27BARKOR's Rare Jewel for REGALF0.18-0.010.14
28BBCook's Arctic Fire FoxxM0.240.00-0.09
29BBCook's Beau Monde FoxxM0.23-0.01-0.08
30BBCook's Brandy Bellagio FoxxF0.080.040.31
31BBCook's Caesar FoxxM0.230.010.03
32BBCook's Kavik V AlascoM0.18-0.060.16
33BBCook's Mandalay Mai Tai FoxxF0.110.060.21
34BBCook's Silver Legacy FoxxF0.240.08-0.26
35BBCook/Pakk Venetian Vixn FoxxF0.270.04-0.17
36Beach KK's Western Zephyr FoxxF0.200.07-0.11
37Bobadilla's AievaF0.280.01-0.16
38Bostons Puff Of BarkorF0.140.10-0.10
39Cascadeyakone Rosa V KaskaeF0.240.01-0.09
40Central Coast AutumnF0.250.00-0.01
41Central Coast Enzo Kissed by FireM0.240.000.04
42Central Coast Koda DenaliM0.230.09-0.13
43Cold Moon- HeatherF0.24-0.070.18
44Diamond E's Night RangerF0.180.04-0.17
45Dragonsweyr's Zoey Fairbanks0.230.00-0.10
46Foxx & Hope's Pocket NymphF0.160.08-0.20
47Foxx & Hope's TemptressF0.21-0.050.25
48Foxx & Hope's Viva Las VegasM0.160.020.07
49Foxx Save A Horse Ryd A CowboyM0.230.04-0.11
50Foxx's Lucky #7F0.160.14-0.18
51Foxx's A Horse With No RiderM0.120.080.05
52Foxx's AkuM0.30-0.030.20
53Foxx's AmarisM0.250.09-0.10
54Foxx's BBCook Blakk LoboM0.150.100.14
55Foxx's Brooke Of HopeF0.200.070.10
56Foxx's Charmin Malibu WhiskeyF0.300.02-0.10
57Foxx's Chunk Of ChangeM0.340.00-0.25
58Foxx's CurlyM0.160.090.12
59Foxx's Dragon Pokemon at RegalF0.38-0.10-0.09
60Foxx's Fire Lake GingerF0.210.030.06
61Foxx's Gold DustF0.170.09-0.16
62Foxx's Gold Mountain BabyF0.30-0.04-0.03
63Foxx's Golden NuggetF0.290.02-0.02
64Foxx's Grand Northern LightsM0.180.080.03
65Foxx's HeroM0.47-0.08-0.13
66Foxx's Hot ToddyM0.250.02-0.12
67Foxx's Hung The MoonF0.30-0.050.15
68Foxx's In It To Wynn It F0.25-0.040.11
69Foxx's In The Chips @ Parker'sM0.270.07-0.21
70Foxx's Kasino RoyaleM0.46-0.07-0.15
71Foxx's Live Free Or DieF0.190.08-0.07
72Foxx's Luck Be A LadyF0.200.05-0.03
73Foxx's Lucky CharmF0.170.12-0.16
74Foxx's Lucky DevilM0.200.07-0.09
75Foxx's Lucky LadyF0.180.07-0.09
76Foxx's Lucky PennyF0.180.15-0.18
77Foxx's Marvelous MitziF0.200.10-0.16
78Foxx's MattM0.170.09-0.02
79Foxx's Morning Moka by MikkaF0.170.05-0.08
80Foxx's Munchie KinF0.200.04-0.02
81Foxx's Over The MoonF0.28-0.020.05
82Foxx's Phoenix From The AshesM0.210.030.01
83Foxx's Platinum Silver HazeM0.220.02-0.11
84Foxx's Play To WynnM0.25-0.02-0.08
85Foxx's Pocket Dixieland DeliteF0.110.14-0.13
86Foxx's Polished PlatinumM0.290.02-0.19
87Foxx's PonderosaM0.140.08-0.01
88Foxx's Posh Treasure ValleyF0.290.00-0.11
89Foxx's Precious Diva PrincessF0.18-0.010.33
90Foxx's Red Rock DrewM0.160.110.17
91Foxx's Regal Silver GemF0.20-0.040.33
92Foxx's RojoM0.34-0.02-0.04
93Foxx's Scary HighwindsF0.39-0.04-0.12
95Foxx's Shimmering Double-Not SpyM0.41-0.10-0.01
99Foxx's Shoot The MoonF0.250.11-0.25
100Foxx's Silver LaceF0.180.020.18
101Foxx's Silver Nugget In PocketM0.170.060.00
102Foxx's SIlver Silk At RegalF0.31-0.010.01
103Foxx's SIlveradoM0.240.000.09
104Foxx's SimonM0.290.02-0.19
105Foxx's Southern ComfortF0.190.060.00
106Foxx's Southern Lites SibridgeM0.240.07-0.09
107Foxx's Southpack Bayou Barron M0.22-0.090.26
108Foxx's Sporty River SpiritF0.40-0.06-0.12
109Foxx's StripesM0.35-0.01-0.26
110Foxx's Sunrise ZealF0.24-0.030.05
111Foxx's Sweet Sensi StarF0.220.06-0.01
112Foxx's Tesoro TankM0.370.00-0.12
113Foxx's Theodore SeussM0.210.04-0.02
114Foxx's What Day Is It Mike?M0.160.13-0.22
115Foxx's Will to WynnM0.32-0.08-0.05
116Foxx's Wynn Your Heart F0.200.01-0.09
117FOXX's Wynn Your HeartF0.22-0.02-0.13
118Galaxy Nubula Aries of MarvelF0.200.020.04
119Hope & Foxx's Dire Wolf@RegalM0.270.05-0.17
120Hope & Foxx's WizzardM0.240.010.11
121Hope's Dude Bridges At FoxxM0.24-0.040.11
122Hope's Kaidence of FoxxF0.120.11-0.04
123Hope's Sterling Fremont FoxxM0.170.050.06
124Hope's Sweet RoseF0.22-0.01-0.04
125Hot Foxx's Azure BallyF0.29-0.02-0.03
126Hot Foxx's Grand Blue BerylM0.240.01-0.11
127Hot Kiara For BrazilF0.19-0.010.17
128HOT Rockies Akna At MaheekunF0.22-0.030.29
129HOT Thor For Maheekun RockiesM0.31-0.040.00
130Ice's/Proper Air Is Of SilverM0.200.02-0.10
131Jemira-Alasco's PawilukF0.23-0.050.20
132Jemira-Alasco's YakoneM0.18-0.050.19
133Kenai's Voodoo FoxxM0.29-0.02-0.08
134Kessel Run's Jrny On! @ KurschaF0.24-0.01-0.05
135Kurscha Mikka Spirited AwayM0.25-0.04-0.04
136Kurscha's Mikka Night JourneyF0.25-0.040.00
138Lilakk's Anubis The GuardianM0.160.12-0.02
139Maheekun Amber at AuroraF0.25-0.120.26
140Maheekun Crystalblu PersuasionF0.26-0.110.26
141Maheekun's The EnchantressF0.26-0.020.09
142Mikka Phoenix Rising in PocketF0.220.06-0.18
143Naitok's KonaM0.25-0.040.05
144Naitok's Kodah MoM0.200.090.04
146Pocket's BoltM0.200.050.30
147Pocket's BrutusM0.200.000.19
148Pocket's BuddyM0.20-0.04-0.04
149Pocket's DrewM0.170.030.26
150Pocket's ElfM0.150.11-0.10
151Pocket's JoviF0.160.10-0.02
152Pocket's MajorM0.200.03-0.05
153Pocket's Rose OF RhosenF0.150.080.00
154Pocket's SierraF0.230.00-0.09
155Pocket's Silver Linings of FoxxF0.25-0.02-0.01
156Pocket's Silver ZivaF0.230.020.02
157Pockets GriffinM0.24-0.010.09
158Pockets Mystic Moon BeamF0.130.12-0.08
159Queen ZoeF0.220.000.12
160Ravn's Grand Depart IncaF0.26-0.030.05
161Regal Sibridge Daddy's HandsM0.26-0.05-0.02
162REGAL's Sweet Voice for FreyjaF0.240.00-0.16
163Regal-Sibridge GriffinM0.45-0.03-0.24
164Regal-Sibridge LapisM0.25-0.02-0.04
165Regal-Sibridge Seaside GemF0.36-0.140.06
166Rockies AriaF0.180.030.18
167Rockies DieselM0.230.000.04
168Royalstar KitalphaM0.190.000.12
169Sibridge Caney Fork RiverM0.260.00-0.05
170Sibridge North CheillinF0.40-0.02-0.18
171Sibridge's Lil Red RebaF0.32-0.01-0.30
172Sibridge's MakGatlinM0.20-0.070.04
173Sibridge's Southern LegendM0.170.06-0.21
174Sibridge's Stoney RiverM0.36-0.100.11
175Sibridge's Tennessee LegacyF0.30-0.150.15
177Skyline Sibridge Music City QnF0.28-0.050.11
178Skyline's Fiesta Time FoxxF0.280.06-0.28
179South Pack's Minnie Pearl FoxxF0.41-0.150.02
180Southpack Foxx's Southern GentM0.27-0.100.17
181Southpack's Black PearlF0.49-0.15-0.10
182Southpack's Dixie Diva FoxxF0.160.050.10
183Southpack's Echo FoxxM0.50-0.150.01
184Southpack's Graceful LadyF0.31-0.040.05
185Southpack's Mikka Bam Bam FoxxM0.41-0.13-0.12
186Southpack's Mikka Kasino FoxxM0.51-0.04-0.26
187Southpack's Riot of KodiakkM0.160.090.05
188Southpack's Southern AllureF0.270.02-0.09
189Southpack's Sweet Azalea FoxxF0.36-0.09-0.01
190Southpack's Sweetest Tabu FoxxM0.29-0.030.06
191Southpack's Tour De Force FoxxM0.170.100.07
193Taylak One U Wanna C by AuroraM0.29-0.110.10
194Taylak Straight on til MorningF0.250.000.00
195Taylak's Shimmering Blakk FoxxF0.40-0.12-0.04
196Taylak's Snapdragon FoxxM0.150.11-0.14
197Taylak-Chatelet Faux Red FoxxF0.200.00-0.05
198Tesoro's Ravella FoxxF0.27-0.090.04
199Tesoro's Tasha FoxxF0.210.020.03
200Timberlane's Deja VuF0.130.060.16
202Totemhills Winter Time BluesF0.22-0.030.09
203Utakk's Tiny Tempest FoxxF0.210.000.00
204Wiebelhuske's Texas Tazer FoxxM0.180.00-0.09
205Wiebelhusky's Cleo of KabnakkF0.170.05-0.02
206Wiebelhusky's FlyntF0.270.00-0.01
207Wiebelhusky's Kahlua And CreamF0.150.050.05
208Wiebelhuskys Chewy The WookieF0.180.03-0.12

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Breeder list coming soon.