American Eskimo - Standard

Temperament: A friendly, trainable, sporty dog in a compact size, these all white spitz-type dogs prefer to be with their people.

Height: 9-12 inches (Toy), 12-15 inches (Miniature), 15-19 inches (Standard)

Weight: 6-10 pounds (Toy), 10-20 pounds (Miniature), 25-35 pounds (Standard)

Life Span: 13-15 years

Breed Average Outlier Index: 0.31

OI Average for dogs over 10: 0.37

OI Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Genetic Relatedness: -0.04

AGR Average for dogs over 10: -0.05

AGR Average for dogs under 2:
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Breed Average Internal Relatedness: 0.05

IR Average for dogs over 10: -0.01

IR Average for dogs under 2:
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Last 10 Recently Added Public Dogs!

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1 Skyflyer Piper Cub Power F0.250.010.04
2 CrystalTyme Eryn Go Braugh F0.220.030.15
3CH Thunderpas Ayla@Crystaltyme F0.210.040.05
4 Thunderpas Thunderbolt M0.33-0.040.09
5 Pikatti's Holiday Spirit F0.74-0.29-0.14
6 Classic's Aziza F0.55-0.10-0.26
7 Silveroak's Padawan Rebel Ahsoka F0.170.08-0.04
8 Silveroaks Every Move You Make M0.39-0.090.05
9 Miracle P-Irish Americn Scandl F0.300.04-0.19
10 Wrights Sabrina F0.29-0.040.01

Originally these little dogs came to the US with German immigrants, but their pretty white coats were less desirable on farms and they soon became sought after additions to travelling shows and circuses.

An OFA survey showed that cancer and eye disorders are the most commonly reported health issue. There is also a rising concern about diabetes in the breed. For more detailed information see below:

The follow includes dogs with birthdates listed in the database.

DLA Haplotypes in the Breed

The Dog Leukocyte Antigen or DLA is the region in the canine genome that controls the immune system, among other things. There are three classes or areas, and the VGL Canine Diversity Test genotypes or records the two regions with the most variation. Because it is an area that mutates more rapidly than others, the method VGL uses is ideal for identifying specific combinations of DNA, and not merely showing whether a dog inherited two of the same sets of genetics from its parents or two different ones.

"Haplotype" is a generic name for a set of genes that are bound together and inherited as a set. The DLA Class I and Class II haplotypes are very tightly bound and represent about 2 million base pairs of DNA - a sizeable chunk. These two haplotypes together make an extended haplotype that is nearly always passed from parent to puppies as a pair. We therefore have two tables below showing both the combinations of DLA found in this breed and how often they appear, and also how often they appear individually.

Remember that frequency percentages do not show how many dogs carry them, but rather how many of these haplotypes exist in the breed as a whole. Every dog has two sets of DLA haplotypes, one inherited from dam, and one inherited from sire. These almost never recombine in new generations.

DLA Class I/Class II Combinations :

Class I HaplotypeClass II HaplotypeFrequency in the Breed

DLA Frequencies :

ClassHaplotypeFrequency in the Breed
Class I100266.67%
Class I10122.50%
Class I10142.50%
Class I10160.83%
Class I10300.83%
Class I10540.83%
Class I10870.83%
Class I10930.83%
Class I115322.50%
Class I12611.67%
Class II200166.67%
Class II20032.50%
Class II20140.83%
Class II20222.50%
Class II20230.83%
Class II20330.83%
Class II20372.50%
Class II205322.50%
Class II20660.83%
Class I100266.67%
Class I10122.50%
Class I10142.50%
Class I10160.83%
Class I10300.83%
Class I10540.83%
Class I10870.83%
Class I10930.83%
Class I115322.50%
Class I12611.67%
Class II200166.67%
Class II20032.50%
Class II20140.83%
Class II20222.50%
Class II20230.83%
Class II20330.83%
Class II20372.50%
Class II205322.50%
Class II20660.83%

Search For a American Eskimo - Standard

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List of Public Dogs

No.NameGenderOutlier IndexAverage Genetic RelatednessInternal Relatedness
1Achika Zephyr UnchartedM0.250.040.07
2Achika's Beauty Of A RoseF0.28-0.010.02
3Achika-Wrights ChewbaccaM0.190.080.05
4Anana's Chosen OneM0.35-0.130.25
5Anana's Kaavie Fionn Cu AlainnM0.38-0.080.01
6Blue Stars Regal Lady PortiaF0.37-0.080.03
7Classic's AzizaF0.55-0.10-0.26
8CrystalTyme Edelweiss MoonlightF0.220.010.05
9CrystalTyme Eryn Go BraughF0.220.030.15
10Debonair Rock StarF0.23-0.020.26
11Debonair Sky FlyerF0.32-0.040.13
12Emerald Citys Carte BlancheF0.27-0.040.15
13Emerald Citys Wildcard WinnerF0.160.090.05
14Fissan Built to LastF0.24-0.02-0.02
15Fissan's Dottie WestF0.40-0.080.17
16Fissan's I Won't Back DownM0.22-0.030.22
17Fissan's Sign O' The TimesF0.230.010.06
18Fissan's You Got The LookF0.230.040.13
19Fuji Nathaniel Ha ShalomM0.24-0.060.32
20Maremar's Fuji BlaiseM0.32-0.01-0.09
21Martin's Ace Of HeartsM0.41-0.06-0.01
22Miracle P-Irish Americn ScandlF0.300.04-0.19
23Miracle's Magnificat at PikattiM0.320.00-0.04
24Nuuktok AH's Rainbow's PromiseF0.32-0.040.09
25Nuuktok's Atka Inukshuk M0.340.02-0.19
26Nuuktok's Bonjour to Paris F0.220.02-0.08
27Nuuktok's Legend of KiviuqM0.32-0.06-0.09
28Nuuktok's She Wears It WellF0.28-0.05-0.04
29Nuuktok's Winter SkyM0.23-0.010.02
30Pats Irish Majestic MiracleM0.35-0.080.05
31Phantomrun's Kiss Me KateF0.150.050.17
32Pikatti's Holiday SpiritF0.74-0.29-0.14
33Pikatti's Small But Mighty 1F0.28-0.090.15
34Pinebrook's Cirque Du MaremarM0.83-0.370.03
35Sierra Mystic InspirationM0.250.020.09
36Sierra's Atka's ProtegeM0.200.000.35
37Silveroak's Candle In The WindM0.200.100.01
38Silveroak's First and ForemostM0.280.07-0.30
39Silveroak's On No She Didn'tF0.240.03-0.05
40Silveroak's Padawan Rebel AhsokaF0.170.08-0.04
41Silveroaks Back To The FutureF0.36-0.04-0.06
42Silveroaks Every Move You MakeM0.39-0.090.05
43Skyflyer Piper Cub PowerF0.250.010.04
44Smokey Mtn Cu Alainn LanikaiF0.33-0.120.40
45Smokey Mtn Fire and IceM0.21-0.010.30
46Smokey Mtn Mystic MomentF0.190.030.18
47Snowcounty's Rainy Day ManM0.48-0.250.17
48Storytime's Riverboat Adventure M0.42-0.140.22
49Syson's IndyM1.19-0.520.00
50Thunderpas AragornM0.220.030.10
51Thunderpas Ayla@CrystaltymeF0.210.040.05
52Thunderpas Crystaltyme DaenerysF0.200.07-0.04
53Thunderpas Sheriff Of SalisburyM0.350.03-0.29
54Thunderpas ThunderboltM0.33-0.040.09
55Thunderpas-Besota's Shared VisionsM0.35-0.02-0.12
56Timber's Everhart Hear Mi Now F0.23-0.020.13
57Timber's One with the ForceF0.30-0.100.20
58Whytelight Frankly My DearM0.200.040.04
59Wrights Quantum CrystalF0.27-0.080.23
60Wrights SabrinaF0.29-0.040.01

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Breeder list coming soon.